About Us
Introducing DigPacks Automations
Automate without the large up-front Investment…
DigPacks Automations is a business solution for C-Suite leaders, Senior Execs and small and medium-sized business owners who want to realise the full benefits of automation faster and without the usual large up-front investment.
It allows you to identify the biggest opportunities for automation and create prototypes within one-week. Then rapidly test solutions, evaluate, and roll-out to realise the full benefits.
Uniquely, we can offer this to you without the usual need to spend months trying to create and justify a business case. You’ll avoid the large up-front CapEx investment. It can free up cash too.
We offer a fully managed and supported platform and we are fully compliant with industry security and audit standards.
Our senior team has decades of I.T. experience, delivering complex solutions in industries and sectors including banking, insurance, government, defence and utilities.
All our services are backed up by certified developers in their field. These include, but are not limited to RPA, K2 and SharePoint