What is it?

It is a collection of documents that contain information about underground assets within a set of requested dig co-ordinates.

The Problem

5.1 million Safe Dig Packs are requested by Energy and Water industry every single year.

The Dig Pack production process is standardised across industries, but its production is being done manually by each organisation independently. Some companies within these industries outsource production leading to large cost and upfront commitment.

In the current climate, manual production of Safe Dig Packs is not always possible, our solution is available even when your staff are not.


Our system automatically detects any danger to life warnings on provided maps. No more manual errors, people not identifying crucial underground electric or gas assets.

Keep your team SAFE! 

Our Answer

DigPacks have built a robust solution that will give you a complete Safe Dig Pack within two hours. Simply send in your request(s) via email, or through our interactive map, or have your on-site engineers request a Dig Pack via our app.

Talk to us about Safe Dig Packs today!