
Setting up the Asset Booker

Step-by-step Video

0:00 Intro
0:17 Managing asset types
2:35 Manage plans
4:35 Set up hotspots (Booking Admin)
5:40 Adding properties for an asset
6:16 Set aside an asset

7:02 Approval required
8:20 Allocated users
9:27 Group assets
10:35 Enable Terms & Conditions
11:40 Manage Admin Users

Asset Type Management

In this section of the Asset Booker, you can define various aspects related to the types of assets.

  • Active: Turning off this option will prevent booking for the selected asset.
  • Send Email: When a booking is made, a confirmation email is typically sent to the person for whom the booking is made. Switching this off will disable the confirmation email.
  • Book Ahead Period: Set the number of days or months in advance bookings can be made.
    • Maximum Period: Bookings can be made up to 24 months in the future.
  • Check-In Cancellation: Set a time period within which a person must check-in; otherwise, their booking will be automatically cancelled. A cancellation email is sent to the booker.
  • Booking Reason: Create a list of reasons for users to choose from, or enable the ‘Other‘ option to allow free-text input.
  • Booking Interval: Choose the time slot intervals for bookings, e.g., 15-minute blocks, hourly blocks, etc.
  • Attendee Count: Enable to ensure users provide the number of attendees, particularly useful when booking rooms.

Manage Plans

In this section of the Asset Booker, you can define various aspects related to the types of assets.

  • Location: Location will need to be added for each asset type, e.g. London for Desks, and London for Meeting Rooms.
    • Location Status: turning this off will disable the ability to book.
    • Future Bookings Count: Shows how many existing future bookings there are for this location – useful if wanting to delete the location.
  • Approvers: Choose users from the list who will become approvers for the asset type and location selected.
  • Plan image: Upload a plan image ideally in .png or .jpg format.
  • Information: Additional inforamtion related to this location or plan can be added by clicking on the Info icon.
    • This text editor accepts HTML. Please use a free html editor to get your text in the correct format and paste in here.

Booking Admin

In this section of the app, you can map hotspots to the uploaded plans and configure additional settings.

  • Set Aside: Enable this option if there is a need to take an asset out of action or restrict booking.
  • Approval Required: Enable this option for assets that require approval before a booking is confirmed.
    • Approvers can be managed from here or from the Manage Plans section.
  • Allocated Users: Designate assets to specific users only, restricting everyone else from booking.
  • Group Booking: Create groups and allocate assets to them. Groups are color-coded with assigned alphabets (A-Z). A maximum of 26 groups is allowed.

Admin Users

Manage users with enhanced roles. Explore the different types of users below.

  • User: Has the ability to book and manage only their own bookings.
    Please note: General users do not need to be added here; this is specifically for managing advanced privileges.
  • Book Group: Check this option to enable a user to become a group booker.
    • This user type can override another booking when making group bookings.
  • Approver: Has the ability to approve bookings for the designated Location & Asset Type.
    • Periodically receives an email with a list of bookings to log in and approve.
    • Auto-approves bookings for any assets requiring approval for this user.
  • Admin: Super admin with all the aforementioned abilities, plus the ability to manage all users.
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